Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Communication as storytelling: macho macho man

Sunday afternoon, November 16th, 12.30PM, Amherst Coffee

Sitting across the folk band that was headlining the Sunday entertainment offering at Amherst coffee, I wandered and wondered around the room observing the patrons (wait a that a plastic banana one of the band members is using to hit her bongo?? It is! it's too yellow and...plastic-y to be a real one). You have the good looking, middle-upper class, contemplative sketcher, sketching away in his little black book interesting characters in the cafe, maybe even the plastic banana. Of course, he was donned in Burberry wear. He's missing a pipe and checkered hat. He could be Sherlock Holmes.

Sitting next to me in the long table are two college girls with their hippie accessories and hand-knitted hats. They were both knitting and exchanging tips on how to cross stitch the right away. Across from me a big tattooed-armed man sat with a cup of Jade Dragon Green Tea (pretentious at best, ethnocentric "let's call everything Chinese-related Jade, Dragon, and Green" at worst). He was looking down, his hands were busy. He was....knitting. Shock! Horror! Biker dude with eyebrow piercings and elaborate tattoo knitting??

He looked up (god please don't let it be because of my staring), walked towards me and...started conversing with the 2 college girls. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear that you were discussing about cross-stitching. I was wondering if you could take a look at what I did for this scarf I'm making. Do you think I should cross twice? I'm not sure because I don't wanna waste yarn y'know." The 3 immediately engaged in an exclusive conversation on their creations...with needles yarns in their laps. "I come here every Sunday to knit" says Harley (dude), "it's so great to see other people doing the same as well" He bid the girls goodbye and slowly made his way back to his little private universe of peace-knitting.

Gender is social-construction.

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