Sunday, October 26, 2008

On my way to Communication

I found myself in communication studies much how communication studies found itself - at the intersection. Bouncing between interests in psychology, sociology, philosophy, and theology, I was constantly inquiring into that which is closest to us, but found each discipline to (at least from my position) close off the possibilities of the others in conversation.

I found myself, like many students, with passion yet without direction. I refused to give up on each of these subjects, but choosing a discipline was itself a choice to give up the others.

Enter the Communication Studies Department at Arizona State University West. With a focus in critical, rhetorical, and cultural studies, the department stood at the intersection of my interests at the time. My first class on Rhetoric and Argumentation proved to be the most interesting class I'd been to yet, and drew me into a love of Communication Studies.

I had never tried very hard in school until that point - I just wanted to get through to get a degree - but I went from a mediocre-at-best student to joining the honors college in one semester. Communication Studies literally saved my education by giving me something to care about.

So where I find myself is where I began - at the intersection, yet focused on Communication. It allows for perspectives I don't find in most disciplines.

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